Nov 3, 2010

November 3rd, 2010

Many of my friends went to Dublin to protest about the proposed reintroduction of third level fees. I'm pro-fees. I suppose I'm extremely lucky in that this academic year, my rent is two thirds of what it was last year, and I managed to easily get two jobs because night clubs are putting more effort into promotion these days. Either way, I can easily make ends meet myself. I do have a strong work ethic, plenty of energy and I don't drink or smoke.

But still if I can handle it without a grant, maybe more of us could.I left the house today for the first time in 2 days - I was sick with a heavy cold and had no energy. I always feel disconnected from the world after I've been sick, because everyone's gotten on grand without me and I find it hard to jump back in. But I left the house and it was dark, mild, windy and quite warm. I felt delighted to be better, fortunate that the weather has been pretty good all autumn, and a bit of a Christmas rush cause the evenings are drawing in.

I'm looking forward to seeing my someone again tomorrow after almost of week of absence. Since I got seriously stung a few years ago, I've learned how to be fiercely independent. I haven't let myself feel lonely or miserable. But I'm at the point now where it doesn't ache when that person isn't around, but I still look forward to tomorrow quite a bit.

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