Nov 25, 2010

Laaaaaaaaast niiiiiiiiiight

Last night was my new bike's Freakscene debut. It was a UV night (always more fun than normal) and the bike was indeed well received when I showed it around after the club. One particular group of people I don't really know just 'luhved' it. So as I was only havin' the chats and not really going anywhere, I let them have a shpin off the bike, provided they wear my high-vis vest.

This small gesture on my part made them so happy! People forget how much fun bikes are. I passed on the phone number of the guy who sold me the bike.

Other highlights of the night:
* Getting to know some new Erasmus members of the UCC Photography Society
* A female friend of said Erasmus students scoring an Irish lad with 'I'm Gay' written in UV paint on his t-shirt
* The usual Cathal Brennan-shtyle banter
* A classic Freakscene night, full of the best people in all of Cork and a few serious weirdos that you can't shake but you don't really care

I'm pretty stressed with assignments and what not, but going to Freakscene motivates me to put in library time beforehand on a Wednesday evening. Dancing all night is pretty savage exercise too!

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